Error dpi WPS Office Linux

Fix error dpi on WPS

if your wps office got warning/error like this :

Wildcard static domain in Mikrotik

Hi Folks...

I jus't want to share how to create a wildcard static domain in mikrotik..
maybe you already knows about this link..
that's wrote..

Measure your network speed between you and your network.

How to know your network speed between two boxes..

I use 
iperf. It's a client server arrangement in that you run it in server mode at one end and connect to its from another computer on the other side of the network.

One both machines run:
sudo apt-get install iperf
We'll start an iperf server on one of the machines:
iperf -s
And then on the other computer, tell iperf to connect as a client:
iperf -c <address of other computer>

Virtualbox - Cannot Register Cloned Hardisk

Just for reminder,,,

Did you ever been copy or cloned virtualbox hardisk and see error like picture below..?
Error UUID
yes, that happen because your another virtualbox have the same uuid of this virtual disk image file,
So, how to solve that problem..? follow me..
at your linux console, type these command :

$ vboxmanage internalcommands sethduuid virtual_disk.vdi

that command will change your virtualdisk image uuid...
All done,, and have fun..

Compile HAProxy 1.8x CentOS 7

Installing Haproxy 1.8.9 CentOS core 7

Tambahkan beberapa file dibawah ini :

haproxy soft nofile 1000000
haproxy hard nofile 1000000
#root soft nofile 1000000
#root hard nofile 1000000

Update KeepAlived Multi Instance v1.4.4

Update Config Keepalived v1.4.4

KeepAlived Multi Instance

Catatan aja sih..

config keepalived dua instance untuk fail-over dan dibalik state nya..

Master Config :

vrrp_script haproxy {
        script "killall -0 haproxy"
        interval 2
        weight 2

vrrp_script sentinel {
        script "/etc/keepalived/scripts/"
        interval 2
        weight 2

vrrp_instance HAP_1 {
        state BACKUP
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 11
        priority 100
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
                auth_type PASS
                auth_pass abcdefg # use 8 chars & something better
 virtual_ipaddress {
 track_script {

vrrp_instance SNT_1 {
        state MASTER
        interface eth0
        virtual_router_id 21
        priority 101
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
                auth_type PASS
                auth_pass abcdefg # use 8 chars & something better
 virtual_ipaddress {
 track_script {

Modul MTCNA STMIK Global

Link Materi MTCNA STMIK Global

Skype Alternative with Discover Ring

"You always have a choice" yang suka nonton anime, pasti sering mendengar kata2 itu.. :D
begitu juga dalam kehidupan ber "IT", ketika ada perangkat lunak proprietary pasti ada alternatif nya.

Kali ini saya coba share sebuah software alternatif untuk dari VOIP Communication yang terkenal. yups Skype, siapa yang ga kenal software populer ini..!

Walaupun di linux ada Skype Client, tapi bisa anda rasakan berbedaannya ketika menggunakan Skype di Windows.

So, saya ga bahas apa saja kekurangan Skype Client yang berjalan di linux, dari pada repot menunggu patch, lebih baik pakai saja yang sudah stable dan ga kalah dari Sykpe.

Aplikasi Tersebut adalah RING, Sebuah aplikasi Open Source dan Cross Platform VOIP Communication.

Official website :

Training dan Workshop

Arasyi Network Menerima Training dari Level dasar Hingga Expert :
Adapun Training yang disajikan adalah :
  1. Administrasi Linux Server
  2. Training Mikrotik
  3. Pembuatan Website dengan CMS
  4. Web Programming
  5. Ardunio