Wildcard static domain in Mikrotik

Hi Folks...

I jus't want to share how to create a wildcard static domain in mikrotik..
maybe you already knows about this link.. https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:IP/DNS
that's wrote..

Measure your network speed between you and your network.

How to know your network speed between two boxes..

I use 
iperf. It's a client server arrangement in that you run it in server mode at one end and connect to its from another computer on the other side of the network.

One both machines run:
sudo apt-get install iperf
We'll start an iperf server on one of the machines:
iperf -s
And then on the other computer, tell iperf to connect as a client:
iperf -c <address of other computer>

Virtualbox - Cannot Register Cloned Hardisk

Just for reminder,,,

Did you ever been copy or cloned virtualbox hardisk and see error like picture below..?
Error UUID
yes, that happen because your another virtualbox have the same uuid of this virtual disk image file,
So, how to solve that problem..? follow me..
at your linux console, type these command :

$ vboxmanage internalcommands sethduuid virtual_disk.vdi

that command will change your virtualdisk image uuid...
All done,, and have fun..